Life planning:5 minutes

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Student Success Statement

"what's right isn't always popular. What's popular isn't always right"- Albert Einstein

What this quote means is that something that is is popular isn't right and what's right isn't really that popular. For example if go to a party and everyone is smoking and drinking beer, that is popular but not right. People want to do things that are popular but some of the popular things are not right.They might be doing popular things but some of the things that they're doing isn't right. When you choose the right and do the right thing instead is good. If people follow popular things they are not choosing the right, they are choosing the wrong. Choosing the right will help you instead of following something popular. The right way is not really popular sometimes. Someone who is doing the right thing will be successful. People who choose popularity over the right thing is choosing the wrong.

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